I’ve been a speech and language therapist for 12 years. I love my job and find working with children with speech, language and communication needs to be constantly challenging and rewarding.
I work with children and young people from the ages of 3-17, in their own home or school. I am experienced in working with children with a range of speech, language and communication needs (see below). I have a special clinical interest in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including those with a demand avoidant profile. Other areas of specialism include Selective Mutism, and communication difficulties in association with trauma.
I deliver training in schools to support education professionals gain better knowledge of different types of speech, language and communcication needs, and how to support children who have them. Recent training has included: Colourful Semantics, Selective Mutism, Gestalt Language Processing, Introducing Signs and Symbols, and Trauma Informed Practices.
I offer online Clinical Supervision. I can also offer school based work experience placements for aspiring speech and langauge therapists. I particularly welcome applications from neurodivergent individuals.
My own training includes SCERTS, Natural Languge Acquisition (NLA), Intensive Interaction, Makaton, Attention Autism, Social Thinking, Trauma Informed Practices, DTTC, Shape Coding and Lego Therapy. I have a Postgraduate Diploma in Speech and Language Therapy from City University, London. I am registered with RCSLT, HCPC and ASLTIP.
I am a neurodiversity-friendly therapist, and adopt a strengths-based approach. I am passionate about creating therapy solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each child. I enjoy getting to know each child I work with, establishing a rapport and working collaboratively with them, with families and with other professionals to set priority areas for therapy. I am committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in my practice, ensuring that every individual feels valued and supported in their communication journey.